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  • Writer's pictureRiya Kalapurakkal

Unlock Your Future: Top Scholarships Every Student Should Apply For Now!

With the school-year just around the corner, more scholarships are opening up!

We’ll be going over some types of scholarships, requirements, and when their due dates are.

  1. Coca-Cola Scholarship: The Coca-cola scholarship awards high school seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.0*, the chance to win $20,000 in scholarship money. Students need to fill out an academic application (no essays!) to enter.

Due Date: September 30, 2024 @ 5pm ET

*used on a 4.0 scale

  1. GE-Reagan Foundation: The GE-Reagan Foundation awards high school seniors up to $40,000. Applicants must showcase “leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship”. Recipients receive an all-paid retreat in California with other student recipients nationwide. Must have a minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale to apply.

Due Date: Not open yet, but can be notified once opens!

  1. “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship: To apply to the “Be Bold” $25,000 scholarship, there are no prerequisites of requirements to become a recipient. Students simply create a profile on the website and apply from there!

Due Date: September 1, 2024

  1. Niche $25,000 “No Essay” College Search Scholarship: To apply as a Niche Scholarship recipient, you must be a US citizenship or a valid Visa/US passport only. Must visit their scholarship rules to read more in-depth for qualifications!

Winners Determined By: October 15, 2024

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