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  • Writer's pictureRiya Kalapurakkal

Mastering the Mind: How Behavioral Finance Shapes Your Money Moves

“I’m looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6’5”. Blue eyes.” This popular TikTok trend created by Megan Boni, later remixed to create the iconic song, brought significant attention to the finance sector.

One of the most popular jobs in finance is that of an investment banker. Investment bankers help companies, governments, and other entities raise capital, manage mergers and acquisitions, and provide financial advisory services. However, there are psychological factors that affect investors and their decision-making skills.

Some common key concepts in behavioral finance include:

Loss Aversion: Loss aversion refers to the greater emotional impact people feel when they experience a loss compared to an equivalent gain. For example, an investor who loses $1,000 would feel more emotional distress than the joy of gaining $1,000.

Herd Mentality: This mentality has gained popularity with the rise of social media. Herd mentality occurs when individuals conform to the actions or beliefs of a larger group, regardless of their own previous or current knowledge. In finance, market bubbles and crashes often arise when people buy into trends simply because others are doing the same.

Overconfidence Bias: This bias occurs when an investor overestimates their ability to predict market movements, which can lead to taking excessive risks and making poor decisions.

Stay tuned for the next blog, where we’ll explore more financial insights that can give you the edge in the world of finance and help you navigate the markets like a pro! You won’t want to miss it!

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