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  • Writer's pictureRiya Kalapurakkal

Loan Series: How to Make College More Affordable

Many people believe that in order to attend a top college, they would be drowned in student loans and debt.

But, what if I tell you that you can attend a top college for free? The story of Kristina Ellis featured on Dave Ramsey talk show presents the incredible story of how determination and grit brought her to a top institution at no cost. 


 Scholarships, scholarships, and more scholarships!!

Scholarships are a form of financial aid and are free money that is given out to students that do not have to be paid back. They can be awarded to students for academic excellence, achievements, or a variety of reasons. 

You can apply for scholarships at any time! A typical belief of scholarships is that you can only apply to scholarships in your junior or senior year of high school, but this is false!! You can start as early as the freshman year of high school and can still apply to them as an undergraduate student. 

Popular Websites to Find Scholarships: 



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